Ready for FCE is the new, third edition of our popular FCE preparation course aimed at young adult students training for the Cambridge FCE exam. All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each unit, while in-depth exam training isgiven in the form of regular \u00b4What to expect in the exam\u00b4 and \u00b4How to go about it\u00b4 help boxes. This step-by-step approach ensures that students will be fully prepared and confident when sitting the new 2015 First Certificate exam. The Student\u00b4s Book, available with or without key, contains 14 units and now includes a \u00b4Writing Bank\u00b4. The accompanying Student\u00b4s Book DVD-ROM contains two computer-based practice tests and video material for the Speaking test. The Teacher\u00b4s Book is accompanied by a Test CD-ROM with tests in both PDF and editable Word format. There is additional photocopiable material in the Teacher\u00b4s Book, with a focus on material for the Speaking test.