For photographers who already have some experience in the darkroom but who want to understand more about the processes they are using, this guide explains procedures for gaining increased control over what appears on the final print. It also contains exercises to help readers calibrate the procedures to their own darkrooms and with the materials they prefer using. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. * New material on darkroom safety and working with chemicals * Addresses practical concerns of photographers who are using complex mixtures * Safe disposal methods for darkroom chemicals and wastes Whether you are a novice or an expert in the darkroom, the second edition of The Elements of Black-and-White Printing will give you the tools necessary to control your print making. You will learn the proper techniques for exposing a print, how to choose the correct paper contrast, and ways to find the best combination of paper and developer for your images. In addition to explaining the procedures, this unique book contains exercises that help you calibrate these procedures with your own equipment with the materials you prefer. Photographers will find this book an essential resource in the darkroom. The book stresses the importance of {making a print] that fully expresses the photographer's intent and prods the reader to think about how he or she wants each print to look before going into the darkroom --Camera and Darkroom magazine.