* Essential for photographer's assistants or those looking to break into assisting * Teaches required skills and lists responsibilities of the job * Useful technical tips, tricks and shortcuts The Photographer's Assistant Handbook is unique because it is written by a working assistant, who, in this tight-lipped, highly competitive industry, tells it straight. The tips and instructions that are included are gleaned from many more years of experience than most assistants will ever have. Right now this information is not available to assistants except through direct experience and the opportunities to get this kind of experience are dwindling. There is a great need by photographers for better-trained assistants. Assistants looking to break into the industry are hungry for any information they can find. The author covers everything a good photographer's assistant should know: from required skills and responsibilities to business practices, lighting techniques, equipment, safety and technical tips, tricks and shortcuts. Assistants will learn valuable tips about shaping their careers, interviewing and transitioning to shooter. This book provides all the information needed to guide a rookie assistant through their career to professional photographer.