A timely updating of the only accessible single volume guide to the agreements and contracts used by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA). a clear, user friendly explanation of the Sections of both Master Agreements a sample Schedule describing the reasons for the additions and amendments contained therein examples of variations commonly seen in the market and the effects of accepting them No other book combines these elements in one place. From the Back Cover Published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, the 1992 and 2002 ISDAŽ Master Agreements are the main contracts used in the over the counter global derivatives market. Mastering the ISDA Master Agreements provides a practical, clear and useful guide to help understand and negotiate these Master Agreements. This revised and updated edition is an essential handbook for anyone involved in negotiating agreements, from financial institutions through to fund managers, law firms, credit officers, regulators and business students. The new edition includes: Increased focus on the 2002 ISDA Master Agreement Schedule Expanded sections on hedge fund and loan-linked Schedules The introduction of covered bonds The effect of the credit crunch, the role of derivatives and how this has affected the market.