"The Good News About Nursing" is a wonderful compilation of a column (on the topic of nursing) which has appeared in the "Houston Chronicle" over the past four years. The intent of this column is to raise questions about nursing, share triumphs and to make nurses feel good about being nurses. This column has been well received by the nursing community. In 1999, it won the regional Sigma Theta Tau award for print media and was nominated for the Sigma Theta Tau International Award in San Diego which it subsequently won. In the midst of a very tired, stressed out and burned out nursing market a need for a text on the positive and rewarding aspects of nursing is critical. Another cause of concern is the lack of interest in nursing as a career choice for the younger generation. Nursing is no longer an attractive profession for many young students making career choices. "The Good News About Nursing" is a motivational text that will share the joys of nursing and can serve as an effective retention and recruitment tool for nursing.