The unique features that make the Longman Advanced American Dictionary the ideal reference in the classroom and beyond include: - 84,000 words and phrases. - 66,000 natural example sentences based on the corpus, to show how words and phrases are really used. - New words, idioms, and up-to-date entries ranging from business and literature to science, the Internet, and more. - 40-page section on TOEFLŪ test preparation. - Easy-to-see Signposts to direct students to the right meaning fast. - 24,000 collocations and phrases showing how words can be used together. - 3,000 most frequently used words in American speech and writing. - 16-page, full-color photo and illustration section, plus hundreds of additional black-and-white photos and- illustrations. - Usage notes based on the Longman Learners' Corpus that help students choose the correct word and avoid common errors. - Clearly highlighted grammatical patterns. - More encyclopedic entries than any other American ESL dictionary!