Platinum-Nickel-Chromium Deposits: Geology, Exploration, and Reserve Base is the first reference book to combine information on the discovery of numerous minerals within existing deposits. This book recognizes the close affinity and great natural coexistence of platinum, palladium, chromium, nickel, copper, gold, and silver hosted by unique stratigraphy (mafic-ultramafic intrusive of layered ingenious complex) in a diverse structural set up. The chapters are organized in a logical sequence of introductory physical and chemical properties, demand-supply scenario, price trend, substitution-recycling and uses of these metals, stratigraphy and host rocks, geochemistry, global distribution of existing deposits in six mega continents, genetic system, reserves-resources overview, common characteristic features aiding as exploration guides for new targets, hazards, and sustainable development. This reference book is a must for students, research scholars, teachers, and professional explorers in economic geology, geography, and allied subjects.