Despite the rising clinical reliance on implant therapy to treat edentulism, the vast majority of patients can only afford dentures and need practitioners who can offer this important treatment option with competence. However, fewer practitioners than ever are incorporating advancements in denture fabrication into their practice. This book presents a dramatic new approach to complete denture prosthetics that combines a simple four-step fabrication technique with effective mandibular suction. Using the Biofunctional Prosthetic System (BPS) in an easy-to-learn clinical technique, the authors explain, step-by-step, how to fabricate a BPS denture and then outline the procedure necessary for fabricating a suction-effective denture. A new approach to impression taking is outlined that uses a frame cut-back tray to record the specific anatomical features of dental soft tissue and the underlying bony structures and to minimize any distortion. This impression technique allows for a more accurate denture form and, thus, better denture suction. Included are discussions related to the management of complex cases of total edentulism in both the maxilla and mandible as well as instruction on esthetic enhancement of the patient. A great resource for any clinician looking to complete their understanding of denture fabrication.