This book is designed to present a comprehensive and state-of the-art approach to all aspects of geriatric surgery within the broad confines of surgery in geriatrics including general surgery, neurosurgery, CIRURGIA, ANGIOLOGIA / CIRURGIA VASCULAR, cardiac surgery, surgical oncology, hepatobiliary and CIRURGIA, plastic, colorectal, orthopedic, gynecologic, and urologic surgery. The text is split into four parts. The first part is organized under general considerations on the geriatric surgical patient and includes current trends in geriatric surgery, and a number of important general issues such as practical approaches to reversal of bleeding/anticoagulation, role of anesthetic concerns in advanced age, frailty index and measurements of physiological reserves, nutritional support in the elderly, quality of life in the elderly, drug use, and family involvement. Part two of the book focuses on surgery specific system-based problems in geriatric surgical patients.