This 2nd Edition includes new, updated chapters that deal with important issues and were written by orthodontists known worldwide. Dr Dr Bernd Lapatki presents an outstanding chapter about Early treatment of Class II Div. 2 and Coverbite, that provides a step-by-step description on how to treat these malocclusions using different alternatives. In addition to this topic, Dr Amit Bhardwaj shares the following question, is early Class II treatment worth the effort Dr Somchai Satravaha added a new chapter about the benefits of early treatment in cleft lip palate patients and long-term controls, where she discusses all the benefits. Digital technology is here to stay forever. Dr Bryce Lee explains how this technology can help us to achieve a better diagnosis and treatment plan. Dr Julia Harfin add new chapters including relevant topics as mandibular incisor agenesis ,impacted central incisors and, how to avoid long term relapse in early orthodontic treatment.