This is an exciting time. The proliferation of Internet technology has transformed our concept of information. 24 hours per day, people rely on network devices for business and personal use. Over time, this dependence will grow further. Today's network devices, such as servers, routers, and desktop computers, form the Internet's infrastructure. Tomorrow's devices will control your home's temperature, maintain inventory levels at your business, and monitor automobile traffic patterns. Only a handful of the billions of processors produced each year go into desktop or server computers. The remaining processors monitor and control other facets of the world. Individuals and businesses want smart, network-connected, devices to improve their lives, their efficiency, and their bottom dollar. These devices must be simple to operate, reliable, and inexpensive. This is where Linux comes in. Advances in technology accompanied by competitive pricing allow Linux to move from the desktop and server environment to embedded devices. Linux offers reliability, features, open-source code, and a proven track record; these features make it perfectly suited for embedded system designs. In this book, you will find information to create an embedded Linux foundation. You can then extend this foundation in your own designs.