An expanded, up-to-date resource for students and researchers, The Dictionary of Cell & Molecular Biology, Fifth Edition, provides clear and concise definitions needed for laboratory study. With over 12,000 entries and a breadth of terms across bioscience, including plant molecular biology, microbiology and biotechnology, this revision reflects the changes in the research over the past few years. The latest edition of The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology maintains its outstanding reputation as an authoritative, clear, and accessible reference with short, cross-referenced definitions of important technical terminology. It is thoroughly revised and expanded by over 20 per cent with over 12,000 entries in cellular and molecular biology. It includes expanded coverage of terms, including plant molecular biology, microbiology and biotechnology areas. It consistently provides the most complete short definitions of technical terminology for anyone working in life sciences today. It features extensive cross-references. It provides multiple definitions, notes on word origins, and other useful features.