Don Sexton has managed to weld key ideas from marketing, economics, finance, and statistics to explain clearly how marketing drives the financial performance of a company. Furthermore, he has given us forward control through his Customer Value Added metric that allows us to predict a company’s future performance. JC Larreche, INSEAD Alfred H. Heineken Professor of Marketing, author of The Momentum Effect. Customer Value Added combines a discipline with an insightful approach to assessing and capturing the intrinsic value of business opportunities. Scott Fuson, Vice President, Specialty Chemicals and Global Executive Director Life Sciences, Dow Corning.Value Above Cost reminds us that superior financial performance must be at the heart of every decision and every action we take as business professionals. And in addition to bringing fresh insight and accompanying techniques, the Customer Value Added metric provides a formula with which to measure results and the tools to deliver on that responsibility. Mark Yolton, Senior Vice President, SAP. Foreword by Bob Liodice President and CEO of the Association of National Advertisers.