Pre- and in-service K-12 teachers get practical help for implementing effective classroom assessment practices and for organizing recommended strategies around the four critical dimensions of the CLD (culturally and/or linguistically diverse) student biography: sociocultural, linguistic, academic, and cognitive. In keeping with the increasing number of diverse students in today’s K-12 classrooms, this classroom-ready resource focuses on the student as the driving force behind its narrative and organization and begins with a critical examination of fundamental questions about appropriate assessment practices for CLD students: Who should be the focus of assessment? Where should assessment efforts for CLD students be concentrated? What should be the key purposes of assessments for CLD students? When should teachers time appropriate classroom assessment practices for CLD students? How should teachers best use the findings of CLD student assessment? Written from the perspective of a differential lens on assessment practices for CLD students, the book is designed to guide pre-service and K-12 classroom teachers as they successfully differentiate assessment practices for diverse student populations. In addition, it provides readers with an invaluable glimpse into actual teachers’ classrooms as they use assessment strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners.