From the Publisher When matters are out of your hands, your choices are to blame someone or something else, accept what is, or make the necessary changes. What happens next is up to you. It's your choice. Stop waiting...and start creating! Start by saying, What is, is! Begin immediately accepting your past, your imperfections and the facts of your life. Then start creating new dreams for yourself. Focus in on your assets, strengths and resources, and take action. What is, is! is written to help you use the only powerful moment in your life - now - by humorously accepting reality and then unleashing all of your unlimited, creative potential to reach new dreams. Let this dynamic writing team teach you how to make deep, life-changing and long-lasting decisions about how you handle events at work, at play, and at home. Coverage includes: Whatever you are blaming is the thing controlling your life, your next choice shapes your destiny, you can accept things you won't change, or you can change them - now, you can choose to feel good about yourself, and you are really listening to the words you are telling yourself.