Learn the concepts, skills, and procedures required for any cardiovascular technologist position in the allied health field! In today's rapidly changing health care environment, you must be versatile in order to compete. Your Career in Cardiovascular Technology boosts your employability by equipping you to capably fill any of these positions: ECG Technician/Monitor Technician, Adult Echocardiography Technician, Cardiovascular Technician, Critical Care Technician, Laboratory Assistant, Phlebotomy Technician, and Respiratory Therapy Assistant. In addition to comprehensive coverage of the skills you need, this book also provides valuable background information on anatomy and physiology, medical disease processes, medical terminology, medical ethics, and legal issues. What's more, you'll find essential employment and job-seeking advice... helpful certification and licensing guidance... and important administrative, supervisory, and leadership concepts! Excellent photographs depict real students, patients, staff, and health care facilities to make every point clear and concrete. Plus, review questions and summaries help you to evaluate and strengthen your grasp of the material.