The Town of Chewandswawandswawandswallow is very much like any other tiny town, except for its weather. It never rains rain and it never snows snow and it never blows just wind. It rains things like soup and juice. It snows things like mashed potatoes. And sometimes the wind blows in storms of hamburgers. Life for the townspeople of Chewandswallow is delicious! Delicious, that is, until the weather takes a sudden turn for the worse in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. The town is suddenly plagued by damaging floods and storms of huge food, and the people fear for their lives. Something has to be done -- and in a hurry! Find out what happens when something is done in Pickles to Pittsburgh, where siblings Kate and Henry discover that the townspeople of Chewandswallow have big, BIG plans in place.